If you're feeling frustrated or stuck with your creative process, this course is for you! Liz and her team are excellent at providing support, guidance, and learnings about the creative process. After taking the course, I feel like my creative faucet has been switched on. I was given so many helpful tidbits that have drastically improved the way I value my creativity. I'm so grateful I found this course when I did!

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brave thing.
Hear from our remarkable, brave, and kind clients,
students, and readers.
Hear from our remarkable, brave, and kind clients, students, and readers.
I was getting stuck making the transition from corporate to entrepreneur. Liz’s incredible creativity and leadership opened the floodgate. If you have great skills yet are having trouble pivoting, Liz’s work is both catalytic and expansive.
Arlene Broussard, CEO and Founder, Heartful Wealth
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About the Newsletter
I must have the tissues ready BEFORE I read your messages. To me they are messages of hope and complete love and always so perfectly timed.
Patricia PhilipsBroadway and Television Actress
I should tell you that I always read your emails, often several times. They leave me feeling refreshed and renewed, something we all need to feel more often. So thank you – what you do is important to more people than you can possibly imagine.

Liz Kimball’s world is my favorite place on the internet.
Katherine McClinticChoreographer and Poet
The only email newsletters I open.
Jen MorrisActor, Health Coach & Founder, Renegade Motherhood
Liz’s words, not to mention her mentorship and coaching, have meant more than I can express. I could NOT have made it to this place of clarity & creative power without her. She is remarkable.
Jeanette BonnerActor, Producer, and Host of the Hashtag Single Podcast
Every time I read an e-mail from you I am called back to the part of me that knows who she is and what she is capable o f. I love how you are able to flip and re-frame so many struggles that are so common to the creative and female experience, and I resonate so much with your ideas and can viscerally feel their truth for me.
Farah AhmadFilmmaker and Editor
I love being in your community and I love the joy and inspiration and your emails and posts bring. Thank you for the work you do. Thank you for creating space for me to create space. Your work and guidance is a huge part of my success now. The life I'm living s one that you helped me clarify when I was in your program - it's all still manifesting and unveiling itself and I’m so grateful.
Erin JerozalProfessor & Director
This is 109% what I needed today and really most days for the past 35 years.
Alison BaenenBrand Architect and Writer
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My team and I have the honor of supporting courageous creators and visionaries all over the world as they build meaningful creative lives they can’t wait to wake up to.