Hi, I'm Liz.
Creativity Catalyst, writer, speaker, coach, and founder of The Collective for Womxn Creators.
I’m also a seeker, mama, wife, bonus grandma, lover of democracy and dancing, intersectional feminist, and relentless enthusiast.
I’m really glad you’re here.
I’m also a seeker, mama, wife, bonus grandma, lover of democracy and dancing, intersectional feminist, and relentless enthusiast.
I’m really glad you’re here.

My first dream was to be ballerina/cat/lady boss named Sally Kimball. I was five.
Sally the cat/ballerina/CEO was audacious, creative, electric, feminist, embodied, and visionary. But as I grew up I realized that it was harder to be her in the real world.
The world understands cats. The world understands ballerinas. The world understands CEOs—as long as they’re white and male…
The world doesn’t understand Sally Kimball (yet).
I am the intersection. You are the intersection.
The secret is that there is nothing wrong with us. The secret is that we are the future.
We were not born for boxes
…but I certainly dedicated myself to squeezing into one.
I got the memo. Be one thing that is very clear and definable and that makes everyone around you comfortable. Stay in the box. So I packaged and angled and eliminated. I left parts of myself at home, determined to contort myself into who I thought the world wanted me to be.
In the process, I had a decade-long mostly amazing (though occasionally agonizing) career as a dancer, actor, and director. I got a master’s degree. I taught at several universities and in some big institutions. I certified as a transformational coach.
At each turn on the path I thought: Now! Now I have finally solved the problem of Myself.
(Note to self: when you’ve been taught to contextualize yourself as a problem, it’s a good idea to check your sources)
I loved my work, and simultaneously felt like something was missing. I was still showing up in professional rooms hiding large swaths of myself. I was compromising my values in order to book the job or get the big institutional contract and make people like me. I would wake in the middle of the night—my curiosity racing—pulling me forward toward a path I simultaneously couldn’t name and couldn’t stop thinking about…
Finally, after a prolific bout of creative burnout and too many bathroom-floor breakdowns to count, a wise coach named Kristine Oller asked me to set aside two hours and create something of my own. Apparently I couldn’t spare two hours so I started with fifteen minutes and a notebook on the floor of my bedroom. I started writing. And then I couldn’t stop.
Something was awakening. And I realized other womxn were feeling this way, too.
They were happy enough in their creative careers—and they had achieved things they were proud of…but there were deeper longings that wouldn’t leave them alone—stories that wouldn’t stop talking to them, visions so big they took their breath away, cultural reckonings they were ready to initiate, if only they could summon the courage…
But none of it fit inside the fixed identities and ideas of ourselves that we had been trained to present to the world.
I realized: we are conditioned to believe that there is something wrong with our intersections, when really—there is something wrong with the culture that is afraid of them.
Gasp!—the boxes were never designed with us in mind.
And they are suffocating our creative impulses (which contain the DNA for the future). So we have to break them.
When we decide to bring all of the women inside of us to the table (overriding the cultural memos that may have told us otherwise) we occupy an expansive, singular space that has never before been occupied in the history of time, and will never be occupied again.
We start organizing our life’s work around our deepest curiosities and wildest visions.
We start to tell our stories.

"Liz is everything I could ever ask for in a coach. She's intuitive, she's sensitive and she's a freaking warrior! It would have taken 5 years to accomplish what I achieved with her in a year. Since working with Liz I have become fearless and courageous. I surprise myself all the time. I hope everyone gives themselves the opportunity to work with Liz - she will help you change your life. Anything you've ever dreamed of achieving will suddenly be right in front of you - ready for the taking. Don't hesitate, don't let fear or that tiny terrorist voice keep you from connecting with Liz! You will thank yourself over and over again. I'm so grateful for her support and guidance."
Lili Stiefel
Founder, the Mixed Space & Experimental Studio

"It’s amazing to have circle of compassionate and supportive women, and a coach like Liz who is deeply empathetic, and makes you feel like it is okay to be exactly where you are, and also like it’s totally possible to get where you want to go. If you think you are on the precipice of something special, but you need courage to lean into it, then this is the place for you.It’s important, and it’s profoundly valuable. You need this, it’s like air."
Dana J. Ferguson
Actor, Writer

"Since joining The Collective I’ve booked a network television show, several independent films, and am on the precipice of working with a new and improved management team. There is a lot of supply in this business for people who can tell you what to do, and I haven’t found those groups to be effective or supportive, but this is a group where I walked in and realized I’m actually getting what I need, and I’m getting it from a supportive group of women.
This space is really safe, really uncompetitive, and really effective for finding different parts of your artistry that can feed you. You gotta have it."
Emmy Harrington

"I joined The Collective several years ago, at a point in my life when it seemed like nothing had “turned out” the way I’d envisioned. I was lonely and stuck and feeling disillusioned when I found Liz and fell completely in love with her authenticity and mission. What’s unique about The Collective is that it is facilitated by Liz, but it is not ABOUT Liz, which can be the vibe with many coaches and guides and leaders. The Collective has provided me an opportunity to show up for myself and for other women—equap parts coaching, class, church, brunch with my badass friends, and a TED Talk that has been deeply healing and inspiring. Minimal financial investment, incalculable positive impact. I can’t stress enough what a gift it has been to be a part of this community."
Kim Griffin
Coach & Writer

"Liz is amazing! One month later my time with Liz has paid for itself twice over. I have a renewed positivity in my work, more satisfaction as a coach, and my coaching practice has been booked up several weeks in advance during an economic downturn ... that's insane!Today I am happy to show up to work and put in the hours because I have a sense of the direction in which I am heading. Because of her help, I’m finally able to make time to work on my upcoming book, because everything has been streamlined and clients are booking consistently (and then coming back for more). THANK YOU."
Rebecca Gausnell
Internationally Acclaimed Voice & Dialect Coach

"If you wish to launch into the new decade with power, purpose, possibility, and pleasure, I recommend that you let Liz Kimball be your guide. Like no one else I know, Liz is a fresh beacon of light and leadership for female-identifying creators and change-makers who desire to reshape and refine themselves and the world in a kinder, gentler, more impactful way."
Kristine Oller
Master Coach & Strategist

"I joined The Collective for a new perspective. I am a heart centered engineer with mad financial skills. I was developing my entrepreneurial platform and getting stuck making the transition from corporate to entrepreneur. Liz’s incredible creativity and leadership, opened the floodgate. If you have great skills yet are having trouble pivoting, Liz’s work is both catalytic and expansive."
Arlene Broussard
CEO, Heartful Wealth

I've been helping visionaries for over ten years...
...and here is what i know happens when we come together in community:
You get clear. Focused. Inspired.
You say no to the projects that are keeping you stuck.
You say yes to the BIGGER ones—the dreams that won’t stop talking to you and the stories that won’t leave you alone.
If you know it’s time to own your creative voice (it won’t involve the word ‘war’ or a 10-step program invented by a dude from the 90s) AND—
You’re ready to empower yourself to shine sustainably (it takes more than an inspirational Instagram meme) AND—
You’re ready to fall back in love with the spark that started everything—
You are in the right place.

Want to Collaborate?
Here's where we can begin:
- Join The Collective: I am on a mission to create the world’s most supportive, inspiring, and galvanizing home for female creators building a future we all can’t wait to wake up to. Learn more about The Collective here.
2. Sign-up for my letters: I write to you a few times a month about hope, truth, courage, and the creative process. Some people say they are the only emails they open. Sign-up below.
3. Book me to speak to your audience: Recent topics I’ve spoken on recently include building a sustainable creative practice for changing times, hope is a verb, the courage to create, and moving beyond imposter syndrome. Learn more here.
Stop waiting and start creating
Grab your guide to The 13 Lies About Creativity Keeping You Stuck (And The 13 Action Steps To Move Through Them)

The Official Bio
Liz Kimball (mfa, cpc) is a creativity catalyst, writer, coach, and speaker. Founder of The Collective for Womxn Creators, Liz is devoted to bringing more womxn-driven stories, leadership teams, and art into the world.
Having spent over two decades as a dancer, actor, and director, Liz performed and directed all over the country and received critical acclaim and multiple awards for her work. Now she writes and speaks on courage, creativity, and nonlinear paths to greatness, and she helps feminist visionaries shape culture through their creative work.
Co-founder of a 2-year program in Artist Entrepreneurship at The New School, she has spoken at Tedx, NYU, The Lee Strasberg Institute, The NBA, The Clive Davis School of Recorded Music, Temple University, The Atlantic Theatre School, Upright Citizens Brigade, Mount Holyoke, The Guggenheim Museum, Female Quotient, Girl Be Heard, and the 9/11 Museum and Memorial. Liz has supported her clients and students to sell pilots, book Broadway shows, make award-winning films, land recording contracts, write books, launch successful businesses, start movements, and most importantly, develop energizing and sustainable relationships with their creativity.
Liz graduated magna cum laude with a dual degree in English and Theatre from Northwestern University, and summa cum laude with an M.F.A. in Acting from the University of Texas at Austin. She is certified in Transformational Coaching through Leadership that Works.
Her writing has been published around the internet including Oprah.com and For Women Who Roar. When she’s not working Liz is phone-banking for progressive candidates or making up dances in the living room with her talented husband and curious baby son.

10 things you should also know about me...
- Curiosity is my love language.
- I have a fluid relationship with multiple cities, and I am a nasty woman married to a very good and talented hombre.
- I was a ballerina for over two decades with a plan to be a professional, but I realized I loved chocolate chip cookies, eating in general, and using my voice too much.
- I had debilitating shyness for a significant part of my life, and I was the keeper of several family secrets. Remembering how to use my voice is not only one of the biggest things I have done in my life, but one of my favorite things to help other people do.
- My biggest fear is that I won’t be useful.
- I love long walks, RBG, lists, Wonder Woman, Zadie Smith novels, cheese popcorn, and inspirational political tv shows.
- My ancestors are Quaker, but my early childhood was spent in a cult-like, non-sectarian community. Leaving this community taught me early on how to move away from groupthink and discover my own path.
- I am an ambivert, enneagram 4 wing 3, Alchemist, and an INFP. I am also addicted to personality tests.
- I am very dedicated to electing more progressive womxn to public office.
- I believe we are all miracles who forget that we are miracles.
“Liz Kimball's world is my favorite place on the internet.”
Katherine McClintic, Business Strategist & choreographer

Gratitude & Acknowledgements
I live and work on unceded Lenape Land.
I would not be who I am without my first ballet teacher, Marion Tonner. Other teachers who have greatly impacted my artistic evolution include Roni Koresh, Michael Zimmerman, Ben Austen, David Downs, Dominic Missimi, Betsy Quinn, Barney Hammond, Kirk Lynn, and Tina Landau.
Living a healthy creative life requires fortifying our inner resources and spiritual practice. For this I am deeply grateful to learn from: Kristine Oller, Madhu Maron, Alison Sinatra, Guthrie Sayen, and Rev. Jacqui Lewis.
As we continually explore how we build the new world, I turn to the work of: Adrienne Maree Brown, Tanya Williams, Audre Lorde, Brene Brown, and Ruby Sales.
On the delicate but necessary path to figuring out how to authentically share our work with the world, I am humbly learning from: Jen Boulden & Amanda Steinberg: HigherU and Rachael Rodgers: Hello7.
Works of art that have significantly shaped my life include: Zadie Smith’s On Beauty, Alvin Ailey’s Revelations, Ann Bogart & Chuck Mee’s Bob Rauschenberg America, Joan Didion’s The Year of Magical Thinking, Mary Oliver’s The Journey, Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, Jonathan Bernstein & Susan Meisner’s Shape She Makes, Janelle Monae in concert.
And every colleague, client, Collective member, and generous person who engages with my work. Which includes you, dear reader.
Your questions; my answers
Can I work with you 1:1?
First, I want to celebrate your interest, because that tells me you are approaching an exciting expansion.
At this time, the best way to work with me is by joining The Collective.
I also collaborate with a select handful of extraordinary clients through Coaching intensives & mentorships. If you are interested in applying to work with me, please fill out this brief form and a member of my team will be in touch with you shortly.
I’m at a mid-point in my creative career, and I’m feeling stuck. Is this the right place for me?
This is THE place for you. I believe your stuckness is a doorway, and that you are most likely approaching a new frontier in your work.
I'm an entrepreneur, is The Collective right for me?
Absolutely—we have many entrepreneurs and several founders in The Collective. Learn more here.
What books do you recommend on creativity?
Okay, so you want my real answer?
We read books about creativity to avoid doing our creative work.
Instead of reading a million books and articles about creativity, do the difficult work to wiggle around in your creative process until you start to find something that works for you. Then show up relentlessly when you would rather read books about creativity or do online shopping or even the dishes.
And if you promise to start setting aside time to create, here are my recs:
Liz Gilbert’s Big Magic is a great place to start.
I also like Ann Bogart’s A Director Prepares and Dani Shapiro’s On Writing (the wisdom in both of these books apply to all forms of creative practice)
Pena Chodron’s When Things Fall Apart has scooped me up off in the floor throughout several stages of my life. Which is helpful. Because it’s hard to create when you’re in crisis.
What is a Creativity Catalyst?
One who causes and accelerates creative work 🙂
Someone told me The Creative15 got them over Creative block. How do I join?
Ooohh… this is an exciting question. The Creative15 is a tool to help you move from stuck to flow and is one of my most favorite things that I do.
Join my mailing list to be notified about the next time I lead it live, and, in the meantime—head over to my Instagram for thoughts and prompts on creative process or join The Collective for monthly Creator Studio—a gym + jam session for your creativity.
Are you actually a bonus Grandma?
Indeed. I never thought I would become a bonus Grandmother to my amazing Grandson before I became a mother, but it makes perfect sense given my nonlinear life. The adventure begins when we let go of how it’s supposed to go.
You talk so much about creative process. Do you have one that you stick to?
I believe that we were born to flow, not stick. To that end, I have found that every project necessitates a new process. If we listen closely enough to the project, we figure out what kind of process we need. I mean this literally, by asking the project, or thing that is trying to be born: What do you need? How do you need me to show up? What requests do you have? If you are brave enough to listen, the process will tell you what you need to know about how to be its custodian. It may say write for 1 hour every morning or it may say dance or it may say go to this place and have a retreat. It may give you an answer that seemingly does not have anything to do with the project.
One of my favorite creative thinkers, director Ann Bogart says that sometimes we have to go in through the back door of a project. The project may give you a back door option. You will resist and kick and scream a bit and look for secrets or hacks but you can save yourself time and just do what the project says. Our challenge as creators is not to superimpose an old process on a new project. But it worked theo last time, we say. Remembering that creativity is an unpredictable and wild mistress really helps me. We must cultivate joy in discovering a new way every time, or we will be forever treading water on the continuum between stale and frustrated.
The other important part about process for me is giving myself liberty to work on a few projects at once, though not too many. The messaging of do one thing / stick to one thing / don’t do anything else until you finish this inundates us, but this is only good advice for a certain type of brain. I don’t have that brain, and in my experience most women creatives and entrepreneurs I know don’t have that kind of brain. Many of us are in the habit of being lead by a kind of advice that comes from a linear, hetero-normative masculine brain and we try to shove ourselves into what it tells us to do do and then feel shame and not enough-ness — like the Patriarchy teaches us to feel — because we can’t do it.
Giving myself permission to be a nonlinear duck meant I stopped berating myself for toggling between a few projects in any given period, having few (well, maybe more than a few) tabs open on my computer, and working on 2-4 projects in any given season. I have learned that the projects talk to each other, cross-pollinate, and enrich everything I am doing. It takes longer to finish all of them, but I know of no other way to work and also be true to myself. When I am nearing the ends of projects, I try to arrange concentrated sprints that focus very specifically on one thing, because completion takes great focus for me. This last part is still very much a growing edge.
I do wake up as early as possible and write every morning with consistency. This practice is necessary for my spiritual, mental, and creative health. What I write and how I get into it depends on the project.
I want to do what you do. Can you help me do that?
Yes. Join The Collective.
I have a question not answered here. What do I do?
Email hello@lizkimball.com. We can’t wait to hear from you.
How do I get the CGWQ tee-shirt?
I made the Creator Goddess Warrior Queen tee-shirt so womxn could remember their power. (and because one day I was walking in the woods, asking myself what the opposite of the Trump presidency was, and I heard a voice say: Creator Goddess Warrior Queen) You can listen to the original poem here. And you can order the tee-shirt here.
My commitments...
Organizations I support include Higher Heights for America, Black Women’s Blueprint, Girl Rising, VoteRunLead, She Should Run, Emily’s List, Fair Fight Action, Women for Women International*
*A portion of all of the proceeds from The Collective is offered to support women and girls’s leadership through these organizations.
I am dedicated to building an anti-racist, inclusive and equitable environment in every collaboration, program, and environment that I create. I stand firmly with the Black Lives Matter movement, and I am committed to social justice and civil rights for all — including womxn’s rights, queer rights, disability rights, immigrant rights, and environmental justice.
I am committed to supporting these words with daily, imperfect action, beginning with my own unlearning and re-education, and implementing the five tenets of the anti-racism small business pledge into my platform and business. I have a lot to learn, I mess up every day, and I am grateful to learn from people much wiser than myself. I dream of a world led by BIPOC women and non-binary folk and I cannot wait to elect a progressive female as president of the United States.

“This email is 109% what I needed today and really most days for the past 35 years.”
Join here to become one of the magnificent humans in my community. Instead of bombarding you with emails that neither of us have time for, I will send you depth-filled articles and other wonderment relevant to your unfolding about 1-2 times a month.